Pesto Fest Guests (and other delights)

29 11 2007

Okay…so I’m two months late posting a recap on the 3rd Annual Pesto Fest (it took that long to clean up!—okay, that may be a bit of an exaggeration). If I must say so (and I must), this was undoubtedly the best Pesto Fest yet! Thanks to Tom for rigging up an almost-authentic Italian restaurant lighting setup (I write almost because it was a mishmash of twinkly Xmas lights, restaurant-style globe lights, and other mutts)…thanks to Cam for helping decorate and fashion our lovely table floral arrangements out of store-bought flowers and fodder from my garden (not to mention all the table set up help, creative advice, and antipasta offering—oh, and the Sambuca—which Michael grew a little too fond of by evening’s end)….thanks to Regina for her annual contribution of her wonderful gorgonzola sauce (is it not otherwordly in taste?) and veggie pasta sauce…..and thanks to everyone who came, contributed, and celebrated! We had a really great crowd: Dana & Gordon, Keith, Gina, Elsa and her family from Colombia, Sudha, Vicki, Karen, Nanda, Judy/Paul/Matt, Barbara, Cam, Elizabeth, Kathy (and her 4-legged guest, Casey), Natasha, Regina & Jeff, Amy & Jeff, Norma, Dick & Michael…I do hope I haven’t left anyone out! The weather was heavenly, too…and I do believe the only way we can top this year’s event is if we hold next year’s in Italy! Any takers?

Pesto Fest Guests….. 


…and other delights! 




One response

22 06 2008

Everything looks so festive and beautiful! Now you’ve got me in the mood to throw a party! You’re right, too bad we don’t live in the same town. Looks like we could throw a serious event!

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