Identify this insect and win a prize!

5 05 2008

Yes, it’s another Bearded Iris (deal with it!). But this time, Mother Nature has added another element—a unidentified fly-thingie (a prize to the first person to identify it correctly–with proof of your research, of course). I’m fairly certain I’ve posted a photo awhile back of this same bug (at first glance, I don’t see it). I even think I successfully identified it back then. Stay tuned for further information…

© Cindy Dyer. All rights reserved.



3 responses

6 05 2008

lol! Fly-thingie! I loved that 🙂 I try to stay away from bugs as much as possible!

6 05 2008
Hershel Dyer (Cindy's dad)

Cindt, is it just me, or is there an element of ambiguity in your request for an identification? Are you seeking the proper nomenclature for the fly, or for its “thingie”? The ambiguity is enhanced by your statement that (and I quote), “at first glance I don’t see it.” If you are seeking identification of its thingie, I should think that finding the item would be as difficult as identifying it – perhaps even more difficult.

I know – I’m incorrigible – can’t help it – it’s in my jeans.

6 05 2008

I don’t know what the insect is, but wow, what a macro. Truly a bug’s eye view, and it’s gorgeous.

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