Daddy’s (very) little girl

17 10 2008

I photographed Josephine Margaret, Elizabeth and Rob’s three-week old daughter, this morning. She was such a good model, smiling in her sleep, never fussing even once. Josie came into the world at 1:36 a.m. on September 27, measured 18 inches long, and weighed just 6 pounds, 3 oz. She’s such a tiny thing!

Had there been a Pesto Fest that evening, Elizabeth had a really good excuse to miss it! She instructed her husband to e-mail to let me know they wouldn’t be joining us after all—what with having a baby and all….such efficiency and manners! The Pesto Fest was rained out and cancelled, so they didn’t miss it after all!

More photos of baby Josie with her mom and paternal grandparents coming up!

© Cindy Dyer. All rights reserved.



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