Now, if only a bug would land on this here daisy…

30 07 2010

My wish was granted! (Sorry, no ID yet on the insect—anyone hazard to guess?)

© Cindy Dyer. All rights reserved.



4 responses

30 07 2010

What stunning photographs, I’ve really enjoyed browsing your blog! The color and clarity of this photo is amazing, and such great composition. I love the Bokeh effect, it really brings out the subject. I’m a Nikon user too, loving every minute of it! :O)

30 07 2010

I think it’s a species of wasp

it has that look

another great shot – I wonder how much of the colour on the bug is being picked up from the flower

I’d almost think the “bug” was part of the flower as a lure, so it could eat other bugs

30 07 2010
Mary Ellen

My thoughts are with Nina. It looks like a bee, perhaps a small native bee. Bees can mimic colors of nectar flowers to ward off predators. There are even flowers that have ultraviolet light that show like landing fields to butterflies so they can land on them. Love the world of nature.

Thanks, Cindy, for this fabulous photo.

31 07 2010

Okay, I’m not going to comment on this posting because you already have three comments, and that number is two or three more than I ever get on my postings and besides, Mary Ellen has already said what I planned to say.

However, without making a comment per se, I will volunteer the information that the insect is a rare Four-legged Winged Rainbow Colored Combination Daisy Sucker and Pollinator, internationally recognized by its ability to extract nectar with its proboscis and simultaneously pollenize with all four legs, all the while scanning 360 degrees of its environment for predators.

Now consider this—you, with a bit of help from your camera, have immortalized this insect and the bloom—neither will ever lose its color or vitality or its appeal to viewers—neither will ever age and will always elicit oohs and aahs and wows, just as I am now doing. Would that we could maintain such a relationship with our viewers!

I repeat—none of the above qualifies as a comment. It might be classified as commentary in nature, but definitely not a comment.

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