Josie au naturel

19 10 2008

Elizabeth and Rob came to my studio this morning so we could get some more images of baby Josie…in-the-buff shots against a black background. Doesn’t everyone need baby photos like this? Elizabeth said these are the ones that will surface on the internet when Josephine Margaret is running for President one day. Josie for Prez 2043!

© Cindy Dyer. All rights reserved.



9 responses

20 10 2008

Pure preciousness. Pure preciousness.

21 10 2008
The Seattle Grandmothers

Isn’t Josie beautiful and isn’t she lucky to have such a talented, generous photographer friend to chronicle her adorableness. And aren’t we fortunate to be the grandmothers of this magical child. How is it possible to love someone I haven’t met so much? Patricia

21 10 2008

Lovely photos of a very sweet and lovely baby child. No wonder that Grandmothers are proud!

21 10 2008

The first time I met Josephine in the hospital on the day she was born she literally took my breath away. Everyday she grows more beautiful although I was sure that I would never be so struck by her beauty as on was on that first sighting. Well, your photos of her have made me wrong…your photos are truly breathtaking. As one of her many fairy god mothers I do feel like she’s a little bit mine (Elizabeth you did say you ‘did this one for the team!) so thank you for documenting her absolute beauty and wonder. I don’t get to see her every day but I love visiting these treasures you have created of her.

21 10 2008

Hi Michele,

Thank you for your lovely comment. Josie was a joy to photograph and I look forward to chronicling her growth as long as I can! I know everyone thinks their baby is beautiful, but Josie really is a pretty baby.

21 10 2008


Thank you for making us more beautiful than we are, more special than we can imagine, more blessed by your dear friendship than I would have thought possible.

It sounds crazy but your pictures of my beautiful daughter make me love her even more. And the comments from my beloved family and friends remind me of how loved we all are.

Thank you for a gift we could not have imagined to ask for.


22 10 2008
Deborah Phillips

Hello Cindy

I am Michele’s sister-in-law and friend and know Elizabeth and Rob through her. We have not yet met Josie but what beautiful pictures you have taken of her! Michele sent the link and I am thrilled. Hope we’ll get to see Josie, and more of your work, soon when we next get to the DC area. Thank you so much for posting them so we can see her.

22 10 2008

Thank you for visiting and commenting, Deborah! Josie is such a pretty baby, isn’t she? Where are you located? I’m sure I’ll be posting more. My gift to Elizabeth for her shower was photos sessions (no limit!) of Josie. I have a few more to post from Sunday’s session. I’ll also photograph her with Elizabeth’s mother when she comes into town later this month!

22 10 2008
The Seattle Grandmothers

Cindy — I show these pictures to everyone and always, the pictures take their breath away. You are the kind of talented, warm and generous friend Elizabeth always has because she is warm and generous herself. But your talent is beyond words. I feel so fortunate to be meeting you and do so look forward to it. I feel like I’m about to have an audience with Georgia O’Keefe! The Patricia Grandmother.

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