The Orphaned Images Project: Family portrait

31 01 2011

Several observations came to my mind when I saw this photo:

1) My first thought was of one of the Damien: Omen movies. Remember when Jennings, the photographer, begins noticing that in his photographs there are things that foretell the deaths of the nanny and the priest (such as a line crossing through their back or head)? The photographer’s death is also foretold in his photograph. The first thing I noticed in this photo was the “dagger” headed toward the head of the woman second from left. Ominous!

2) The woman in the center—talk about a wasp waist! And her head appears to be a apparition—not quite all there because of the film’s exposure.

3) Someone has sketched in an outline of the man’s sleeve with pencil. Now there’s retouching in its most primitive form. Hey, we photographers try to work with what we’ve got!


28 04 2010

I photographed Hudson and his mom and dad, Jeanette and Richard, this morning at Green Spring Gardens. The sun was out, the sky was blue, but it was really cold! We got some great shots despite the temperature. This shot was taken in the children’s garden. More to come…

© Cindy Dyer. All rights reserved.

Family portraits in Manito Park

10 12 2008

I shot these photographs of our friends Barb and Dean with their family in beautiful Manito Park in Spokane, Washington, when we visited them in September.

I posted a blog about Barb’s beautiful Persian cat, Beaujolais, and how her modeling career put Barb and her kids through college! Click here for the story.

After we left Spokane, we headed back to Seattle, then on to Victoria, British Columbia, where I went quite photo crazy (particularly at Butchart Gardens)! Check out all the postings from our 10-day trip in the two links below:

© Cindy Dyer. All right reserved.
