Thriftshoppin’ — Soup bowl with a cracker moat

1 01 2012

How cute and practical is this? This afternoon, my dad and I went to a Salvation Army store in San Antonio and I spied these unusual soup bowls. How often have you asked, “but where do I store my crackers until I’m ready for them?” Well, I don’t have to worry about that conundrum now that I have these little beauties. I bought four of them for just $1.99 each. They have a potter’s mark on the bottom, but I haven’t been able to find anything about them in my online search. (I would love to have more of them, so if you happen to see any while you’re out, please buy them for me. I’ll pay you back, I promise!) The salesclerks at the register said they didn’t know why they had the little ledge on them. When I explained what I thought the ledge was for, they looked wistful and said the bowls had been there, unclaimed for quite some time (and gathering a patina of dust).

We hurried home, cleaned them thoroughly, then added my sister Debbie’s white chicken tortilla soup with a side of crackers, of course. I’ll get the recipe from her to share with you—it is part cookbook recipe and part Debbie’s concoction and it is really, really good!

© Cindy Dyer. All rights reserved. (Soup © Debbie Talbert. Food styling by H.M. Dyer)