
2 05 2008

My friend Micheline and her husband downsized from a larger home to a condo a few years ago. My friend Gina introduced me to Micheline as she was preparing to move. The new homeowners were not gardeners and she wasn’t sure if the garden she had tended for so many years would prosper. She invited us over to take some plants for our gardens. She had a gorgeous bank of lemon drops and lily-of-the-valley plants and some from both areas have been thriving in my garden ever since. I photographed this lily-of-the-valley this afternoon.

Learn more about Lily-of-the-Valley here:

© Cindy Dyer. All rights reserved.



One response

3 03 2009
Cindy Yu

OMG~ what a coincidence, I am Cindy from China, just heard a really beautiful story about Lily of the valley and fall for the pretty flower angel immediately. By googling the pic of lotv i found your blog, all of the sudden I realized this is what I want, I want to be a gardener, part time of course 🙂 actually it matches the dream I hold since I was a young girl, has my own backyard, full with flowers, but I always dream I will plant sunflowers, and they should be people-height. Now I may save a little dreaming place for lily of the valley.
Thank you so much for light up my life though it is already very bright! And really love John Updike’s word. It is such a wonderful surprise for me and maybe my life. Wish your garden will always be thriving!

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